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P-4 : IWE : Raja Ram Mohan Roy's Contribution in Indian Renaissance


Name : Dave Avni J.
Roll no : 03
Paper-4 : Indian Writing in English
Enrollment no : 2069108420190011
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Submitted to : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English

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 ◆ Introduction
◆ The influence of new education
◆ Causes
◆ Raja Rammohan Roy
◆ Contribution
◆ R.R.M.R

Introduction :

The 19th century is very important period in history of india. It was a period during which english educated Indians were determined to reform indian culture, society and religion. The english educated Indians, sought inspiration from Vedas and upanishad. They were also influenced by western scientific thoughts. The hindu leaders like raja ram mohan rai, Debendranath Tagore, Keshav Chandra Sen, M.G.Ranade, Atmaram Pandurangan, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda and a host of others set out to reform hindu religion and society. They condemned evils and abused that had crept into Hinduism. The regality of caste system, sati, child marriage, unsociability, idol worship, polytheism, etc they wanted to purge Hinduism of all these social evils and thus restore it's pristine purity and ancient glory. The movement towards this glory is called, as "the Indian Renaissance" was to prepare the ground for nationalism.
Also in the 19th century, india was caught in the grip of superstitions, blind faith, ignorance, evil customs and the caste system. In the narrow minded and conservative setup of the society, the plight of women was even worse. The evils customs of female infanticide, sati, ban on widow remarriage etc were prevalent everywhere. As a result of english education, a new consciousness was born in the 19th century for the eradutions of these evils, and movements for social and religious reforms were started. These reforms brought cultural and religious awareness. This event may be regarded as indian Renaissance. It is supposed to have started with Raja Ram mohan Roy.

The influence of new education :

  The period of 1835-1855 is considered as the period when the British made there grip more tightly on people.
  This was the period of Macaulay. The number of those educated in English had been rapidly increasing and the number of private Englishman too had increased fourtold. It is said that even in 1834-35, 32000 books in English were sold in India as against 13000 in hindi and 1500 in sanskrit.
  This period is also compared with the Elizabethan period in England that is when a new literature was born. Indian first learned to read and speak and comprehend english, and they soon started writing also Bengal leads the way but others were not slow to follow and indo anglian literature had the same origin as the other modern indian literature.
  The new education took long and rapid strides in western and southern India and Christianity made deep inroads into the well preserved Hinduism. At last the leaders among the Hindus wake realizing danger and decided that the danger should be mate once and for all. Though it was in southern india owing to historic reasons, Christianity established it's first strong especially was conversion of high class Hindus was a bright feather in the missionary' s cap, side by side the missionary education institution. Hindu as native school and college where now started and it is said that Rabindranath Tagore's father Debendranath Tagore himself went house to house all day long requesting the hindu parents not to send there children to the missionary school and send them to native schools.

Causes :

     There are several caused which were responsible for indian Renaissance. The British colonial role:

1. The Indians realized that a handful of Englishman conquered india. The leaders of indian renaissance wanted to create oneness by removing social evils and abuses of indian society.

2. The uniformity of British administration and political integration and transport and communication brought Indians together.

3. Research on Indians history and study of Indians history created a sense of pride among Indians. The Christan missionaries played an important role in this respect.

4. The most important cause is the study of english language and western sciences, which made indians, develop human resources and modern scientific thought.

Raja Rammohan Roy :

Raja Ram mohan roy is the foremost leader of indian renaissance. He was born in 1772. In an orthodox Bengali hindu family at a place called 'Radharpur'. His father was employed in the kingdom of a local Nawab this father's name is "Ramakanth Roy". He was a precautions child he had the knowledge of sanskrit, Bengali, hindu, Persian, Arabic, english, French, Greek and pique.
He studied sanskrit literature, hindu philosophy and Arabic and Persian. He made a deep study of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, islam, and Christianity.
He was employed in the english east india company. He was in pursuit of a comparative study of different religious. He thus gave up his job.

Contribution :

=) Atmiya sabha :-

In 1817, Ram Mohan Roy started the "Atmiya sabha" in Calcutta were he preached against social events like the caste system, sati, child marriag and untouchability.

=) Polytheism :-

He attacked idol worship and polytheism

=) Monotheism :-

Oxen when he was 15 years old he called for preaching monotheism. His article, the gift to monotheism.

=) Brahmo samaj :-

In 1829, Raja Rammohan Roy founded the Brahma samaj in Calcutta. The Brahma samaj stood on the twin pillars of human reason and Vedas and Upanishads. He thus, wanted to restore hinduism to the position of ancient glory a society with no caste, no idol worship, no child marriage no untouchbility, no sati, no priestly class and such other exile. In its great days the members of brahma samaj were requested to take these 'seven vows'.

1) By loving god and performing the world which he loves, i will worship the creator, the preserver, and the destroyer, the giver of salutation, the omniscient, the omnipresent, the blissful, the good, the formless, the only one with out a second
2) I will worship no created object as the creator.
3) Except the day of sickness or tribulation everyday, the mind, being undisturbed. I will engage in love and veneration or worship of god.
4) I will exert myself to perform righteous deeds.
5) I willl be careful to keep myself away from vicious or violets deeds.
6) If, though the influence of passion I have committed vices i will be wishing redemption from it, be careful not to do it again.
7) Every year and on the occasion of every happy domestic event i will gifts upon the 'Brahma samaj'. Grant me oh god power to observe the duties of this great faith.

Social Reformer :

Crusaded against Hindu customs as sati, polygamy, child marriage and caste system.
Demanded property inheritance rights for women.
In 1828, he set up the Brahmo Sabha a movement of reformist Bengali Brahmins to fight against social evils.
Roy’s political background and Christian influence influenced his social and religious views regarding reforms of Hinduism. He writes,

"The present system of Hindus is not well calculated to promote their political interests…. It is necessary that some change should take place in their religion, at least for the sake of their political advantage and social comfort."

R.R.M.R :-

- He thus wanted to restore Hinduism to the position of ancient glory a society with no caste, no idol worship, no child marriage , no untouchability, no sati, no priestly class and such other exile.
- In the brahma samaj R R M R adopted the best practices of all religious. He believed in the lofty ideals of Christianity and Islam. He wrote a book called "the percepts of Jesus". He thus stood for a synthesis of the east and the west.
- On 20 August 1828, he founded the Brahma Samaj, the literal meaning of which is “One God Society”. The orthodox Hindus did not cherish the ideals of this intitution, but generally people welcomed this new organisation. Ram Mohan Roy was a secularist as he was inspired by Christianity, Islam and the Upanishads. He had great faith of the uncompromising monotheism of Islam. He learnt about the concept of the unity of God as an essence of Hinduism from the study of the Upanishads, Brahma Sutras and Gita.
- R R M R was a champion of the cause of women. He encouraged women's education and even encouraged widow remarriage. He was in favour of english education and western sciences. He opened the Anglo Hindu College and Vedanta College were both Indian and western subjects were thought.
- R R M R had been attracted to west. He also repelled hindu practices and beliefs ad he was casted in different mold. He was also able to look beneath the appearance and see into the truth of the things.
He believed
"The basic affirmation of the hindu faith had nothing to do with worship or idolatry, caste, sati and the many other foolish, futile as criminal practices and beliefs in hindu."
- He condemned the British policy free trade, duties on indian exports and Zamindari system of land revenue collection. He even called for establishing or reforming the english judicial system. He kept themselves abraded with all development in international field.
- R R M R thus had a deep love for his country and his people. He was a champion of liberty. He was a brightest star in the indian sky in 19th century. He is rightly called as the father of modern india. He died in 1833 at Bristol in England. He published two journals "the sam band Koumudi" in Bengali  and "the Mirat-ull-akbar" in Persian.


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