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Discussion on Mario Vargas Llosa

Mario Vargas Llosa

      Mario Vargas Llosa was born in 1936 in Arequipa. He is a Peruvian writer, novelist, politicians, journalist, essayist and college professor.Vargas  is one of the  Latin America's most significant novelist and essayist.And one of the leading writer of his generation. In 2010 he won the "Nobel prize in Literature" and he won Miguel de Cervantes prize in 1994.

His novels:

◆ First, "The Time of the Hero"(1963)
◆ second,"The Green House"(1965)
◆ Third,"conversation in Cathedral"(1969)
◆ fourth,"The War of the End of the World"(1981)

◆ I think, that is most important views from this interview

=)  If you respect Literature you must accept not only idealist ,altruist,vision of human beings but also the infernal vision of them.

=)  George Bataille said that in human beings,the thare angels and devils.sometimes the angels are important,but for literature,devils are important too. literature is a testimony of what we want to hide in real world.

=)  According to him culture that is totally global, without differences between east and west, we are all part of this new culture in which images are the great protagonists.

=)  I am convinced that the faminist movement's voice should be heard,but he don't accept this idea of censorship for literature or for culture in general.

◆ Thank you.


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