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P-2 : NCL : About the Neo Classical Age

About the Neo-classical Age

Name : Dave Avni J.
Roll no : 03
Paper-2 : Neo classical literature
Enrollment no : 2069108420190011
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Submitted to : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English

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        About the Neoclassical Age

1)  Introduction.
2)  The Classical Age.
3)  The neo classical Age.
4)  History of the period.
5)  Stages of neoclassicism.
6)  Age of reason and Good sense.
7) Social Development
8) Neo classical era
9) Literary Characteristics
10)  Satire

Introduction :-

                           Neoclassicism was born in Rome in the mid-18th century, at the time of the rediscovery of Pompee and Hercleaim, but its popularity spread all over Europe as a generation of European art students finished their Grand Tour and returned from Italy to their home countries with newly rediscovered Greco-Roman ideals.
                           Gold smith designed the early 18th century. As the Augustan age the epicthed, Augustan had been employed by pope’s friend atterbury to describe the classicism of the poetry influenced from waller.The main Neoclassical movement coinsidered with the 18th-century Age of Enlightenment, and continued into the early 19th century, laterally competiting with Romanticism. In architecture, the style continued throughout the 19th, 20th and up to the 21st century.

◆  The  Classical  Age :-
                                                    “A   Classic”, says T.S. Eliot “seems o exhaust all he sources available in hand” Goethe also says, “Everything that is good in literature is classical.” The region of Augustan is the classic or golden age o Rome; the age of Dante is the classic age of Italian literature; the age of Louis 16 is the French classical age, and the age of Queen Anne is often called the classical age of great writers in prose, poetry and drama Addison, swift, Richardson, fielding, Gold smith, Dr. Johnson, Burke, Gibbon & pope.

 ◆ The Neo classical Age :-

Neoclassical literature was written between 1660 and 1798. This time period is broken down into three parts: the Restoration period, the Augustan period, and the Age of Johnson.

Writers of the Neoclassical period tried to imitation the style of the Romans and Greeks. Thus the combination of the terms 'neo,' which means 'new,' and 'classical,' as in the day of the Roman and Greek classics. This was also the era for The Enlightenment, which emphasizing  logic and reason. It was preceded by The Renaissance and followed by the Romantic era. In fact, the Neoclassical period ended in 1798 when Wordsworth publish the Romantic 'Lyrical Ballads'.

History Of The Period:-

                                          Neoclassicism is a revival of the many styles and spirit of classic antiquity inspired directly form the classical period, which cosidered and reflected the developments in philosophy and other areas of the Age of Enlightenment, and was initially the reaction against the escesses of the preceding Rokoko style. While the movement is often described as the opposed counterpart of Romanticism, this is a great over-simplification that tends not to be sustainable when specific artists or works are considered. The case of the supposed main champion of late Neoclassici. The demonstrates this especially well. The revival can be traced to the establishment of formal archaeology.
                                          Classical age is the age of rules and the age of formalism. In the craze for the following set rule and principles. The Augustan were specially influenced by Boileace and Rapin who protessed to have discover their rule in the classi cs of Aristotle and horse. Social conventions were more important than emotion, and form than contant. “the reality principle ruled suprime and the individual mind carefully ruled out of the whole scheme.”
                                                            In English, the term "Neoclassicism" is used primarily of the visual arts; the similar movement in English literature, which began considerably earlier, is called Augustan literature. This, which have been dominant for several decades, must  beginning to decline by the time Neoclassicism in the visual arts became fashionable. Though terms differingr, the situated in French literature was similar. In music, the period saw the rise of classical music, and "Neoclassicism" is used of 20th-century developments. However, the appearance of Christopher Willibbald Gluck represented a specifically Neoclassical approach, spelt out in his preface to the published score of Alceaste (1769), which aimed to reform operum by removing ornamentation, increasing the role of the chorus in line with Greek tragedy, and using simpler inorderd melodic lines.

Stages of Neoclassicis. :-

=) The Restoration Period:

It is called the Restoration Period, as King Charles was restored in this era. The Restoration Period lasted from 1660-1700. Writers of this age, Dryden and Milton, endeavoured to use sublime, grand and impression style, scholarly illusions, and mythology and  the intense use of imagination.

=) The Augustan Age:

The Augustan Age is also called the Age of Pope. Pope was the leading poet in this age. The Augustan Age lasted from 1700 to 1750.

=) The Age of Johnson:

The Age for Johnson lasted up to 1798, when the Romantic Movement was underlay with the publication of Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge.

Age Of Reason & Good sense:-
                                                                         This period is called the age of reason and good sense because it was based on ‘good sense,’ ideal of the French critic Boileace formulated in 1673. It was the age of understanding and enlightenment. But “with the accent on reason and proportion, some of the poetic qualities of the english language disappear the wealth of natural imagery and idioms. That can be seen as much in Bunyan as in Shakespeare seeming a little barbarous to Dryden and his successors.
                                                                          Although Dryden had laid foundation of the age of the age of reason, Alexander Pope carried forward the new tradition to the highest point of perfection. Hence the age has rightly been designated as the Age of Pope.

Social Development :-
                                                                       The Augustans believed in respect and designed conformity. They hated over following enthusiasm and spontaneous imagination, mystery and religious broodings.
“The general belief in reason and proportion meant more to the age than the particular beliefs of their own religion.”
 Formality, correctness and elegance of expression had the upper hand as compare to spontaneity, simplicity, emotionalism and enthusiasm wit to precedent precedence of imagination inspiration was lost in technical skill. Good sense became the ideal of time and good sense mean a love of reasonable and the useful, and the hatred of he extravagant the mystical and the visionary F.L. Louis says,
“Classic literature is a looking-glass worldly reflecting reality in its gilded Queen Anne Frame.”

Neoclassical Era :-

Understanding the Neoclassical era helps us better understanding its literature. This was a time which discussed comfortableness in England. People would meet at coffee houses to chat about politics and sometimes drink a new, warm beverrage made of chocolate! It was also the bigginning of the British tradition of drinking afternoon tea. And it was the starting point of the middle class, and because of that, more people was literate.

Literary Characteristics:-

                                                                   The classicism of this age was franchised version of the classicism of Horace “Boilence was almost a literary dictator”
                     Clearness was exalted above force, raiment above body, and brilliancy above dullness. Accuracy and correctness were the watch words of this literature:”what oft was thought, but never o well expressed.”
                    Neoclassical literature is characterized by order, accurancy, and structure. In direct opposition to Renaissance attitudes, where man was seen as basically good, the Neoclassical writers potrayed man like inherently flowed. They emphasized restract, self-control, and common sense.
                     Pope exhorted his contemporary “to follow nature.”However the nature Of the Augustans was not the nature of words worth and Coleridge their only aim was to copy nature of human beings and manners of society, pope said, “The proper study of mankind is man.”
                  The literature of this period is written in terms of the individual mind. The poetry of Alexander pope particularly in ‘the rape of the lock ’ is a fine exhibition social and political life of the 18th century. Infact, the literature of the age was born in town written mainly for the town and often portrayed the life of the town for the minuest detail in this powerful literary world of London. The most powerful element was in the coffee-house and it was for this public that two most representative the writer of this age. Adison and steel came to address them selves.

                    In the age of pope love for satire came to the upper surface and the cold worldliness of Augustan life found in expression in polished wit and satire. Satire was directed not against sin, bulse against dullness and personal enemies.

Conclusion :
                                             According to phelps, the rank and file of the classicists regarded the old English writers not it absolute contempt, but with in difference there was a general reaction against the Elizabehan literature and it was stated that Shakespeare’s whole style is so pesteied with figurative expression that is affected it is obsccere. 
             The heroic coupled was recognised as the only medium of expression. The fastidiousness of the public ear did not appreciate. “the mob of gentleman who wrote with ease.” “the Augustan were superior......... in satire and journalism, in the technical language of philosophy and “the Augustan were superior......... in satire and journalism, in the technical language of philosophy and “the Augustan were superior......... in satire and journalism, in the technical language of philosophy and “the Augustan were superior......... in satire and journalism, in the technical language of philosophy and science and in the grate branch of modern literature, the novel of which they were among the English pioneers.”

=) Work cited       



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