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Showing posts from November, 2018

Dryden's Essay of Dramatic Poesy

John Dryden : Of Dramatick Poesie, an Essay =) John Dryden (1631 - 1700), English poet, dramatist, and critic, was the leading literary figure of the Restoration age. =) In 1668, he wrote his most important prose work, Of Dramatick Poesie, an Essay, the basis for his reputation as the father of English literary criticism. 1). Do you find any difference between Aristotle's definition of tragedy and Dryden's definition of play ? :- Both definitions are very nearly same and some are different points but also languages has been changed and talked about the imitation with human being as well as languages. After the Aristotle's definition of the tragedy, Dryden was the first who tried to give a well formed definition of the play. There are some points we can see that difference in both the definition. In the definition of tragedy Aristotle talks about imitation of action. While in the definition of play Dryden talks about a just and lively image of human nature.

Thinking activity on Paradise Lost

Thinking activity on Paradise Lost by John Milton                             Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by John Milton. This poem based on the biblical story of the fall of man. In this poem we find something different than bible book. 1. Write a critique on the character of Eve. Character of Eve is the most important character. Eve is the first woman created by god. Milton has presented character of Eve in some different way than Bible.we als find some vast different between character of Eve in Bible and Milton's Eve. Eve is very beautiful woman and also wise, able and more intelligent than the Adam. When Satan see her in first time for a while he forget about his revenge. Eve is physically more attractive than Adam. Hence, Satan overcome by her beauty but she is not as strong physically or intellectually as Adam and she seduced by Satan and eats the fruit of knowledge.                First she wants to become more knowledgeable than Adam so she d

Coleridge's Biographia Literaria

Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Biograpia Literaria      The written monument of Coleridge's critical work is contained in 24 chapters of Biographia Literaria (1815-17). In this critical disquisition, Coleridge concerns himself not only with the practise of criticism, but also, with its theory. In his practical approach to criticism, we get the glimpse of Coleridge the poet; whereas in theoretical discussion, Coleridge the philosopher came to the center stage. In chapter XIV of Biographia Literaria, Coleridge's view on nature and function of poetry is discussed in philosophical terms. ◆ write in your words the difference between poem and prose. Poem :- Language is rhythmical poets use a limited words. Ideas are written in lines, lines are grouped into stanzas and arranged in beautiful way. And mere super addition of meter or rhyme doesn't make a poem. Prose :- Language is more natural and easy style than poem.The writers usually has no words limitation. Ideas

Wordsworth's Preface to Lyrical Ballads

" Preface to Lyrical Ballads" - by William Wordsworth In the 'Advertisement' to the 1798 edition of Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth and Coleridge state that the poems in the collection were intended as a deliberate experiment in style and subject matter. Wordsworth elaborated on this idea in the "preface" to the 1800 and 1802 editions which outline his main ideas of a new poetry. 1). What is the basic difference between poetic creed of 'classicism' and 'romanticism' ? =) The basic difference between classicism and romanticism, both are two ideologies and they are school of thought, also techniques of writing. Classicism is like intellect is the guiding force. Romanticism like as an imagination is the guiding source. =)  Aristotle, Plato, Socratise are relied on the classical masters. Classicism connected to the Bible or biblical story. Classicism like as objectivity. =) Romanticism talked about the medieval writers and romanticism

Aristotle's Poetics

Aristotle's Poetics 1. How far do you agree with Plato’s objection to freedom of expression and artistic liberty enjoyed by creative writers? Name the texts (novels, plays, poems, movies, TV soaps etc which can be rightfully objected and banned with reference to Plato’s objections) =)  I do agree with Plato's objection to freedom of expression and artistic liberty enjoyed by the creative writers. For example- In Ekta Kapoor's daily soaps we can see that the creative writers have written scripts in such a way when it is telecasted automatically the minds of the readers get impure and full of evil thoughts. The role of creative writers is to highlight the social issues of the society in such a way that it strikes the minds of the readers at one go when they read. And lastly, i would like to say that all Ekta Kapoor's daily soaps should be banned. 2.  With reference to the literary texts you have studied during B.A. programme, write brief note on the texts

Discussion on Mario Vargas Llosa

Mario Vargas Llosa       Mario Vargas Llosa was born in 1936 in Arequipa. He is a Peruvian writer, novelist, politicians, journalist, essayist and college professor.Vargas  is one of the  Latin America's most significant novelist and essayist.And one of the leading writer of his generation. In 2010 he won the "Nobel prize in Literature" and he won Miguel de Cervantes prize in 1994. His novels: ◆ First, "The Time of the Hero"(1963) ◆ second,"The Green House"(1965) ◆ Third,"conversation in Cathedral"(1969) ◆ fourth,"The War of the End of the World"(1981) ◆ I think, that is most important views from this interview =)  If you respect Literature you must accept not only idealist ,altruist,vision of human beings but also the infernal vision of them. =)  George Bataille said that in human beings,the thare angels and devils.sometimes the angels are important,but for literature,devils are important too. literature is a testi

P-2 : NCL : About the Neo Classical Age

About the Neo-classical Age Name : Dave Avni J. Roll no : 03 Paper-2 : Neo classical literature Enrollment no : 2069108420190011 Email id : Submitted to : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English Evaluate my assignment click here         About the Neoclassical Age 1)  Introduction. 2)  The Classical Age. 3)  The neo classical Age. 4)  History of the period. 5)  Stages of neoclassicism. 6)  Age of reason and Good sense. 7) Social Development 8) Neo classical era 9) Literary Characteristics 10)  Satire ◆ Introduction :-                            Neoclassicism was born in Rome in the mid-18th century, at the time of the rediscovery of Pompee and Hercleaim, but its popularity spread all over Europe as a generation of European art students finished their Grand Tour and returned from Italy to their home countries with newly rediscovered Greco-Roman ideals.                            Gold smith designed the early 18th century. As the Augusta

P-1 : RL : John Donne as a metaphysical poet

John Donne as a metaphysical poet Name : Dave Avni J. Roll no : 03 Paper-1 : Renaissance Literature Enrollment no : 2069108420190011 Email id : Submitted to : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English Evaluate my assignment click here ◆ Introduction :-                      In the first wecadis of 17th century there was a revolt against the outdated and exhausted Elizabethan poetry. There were three Traditions  that were generally followed The Spenserian The Arcadian The Petrarchian.   There was much sugared melody and romantic extravagance, but intellectual emptiness. As  C.S. Lewis puts it             “Metaphysicism in poetry               Is the fruit of the               Renaissance tree becoming               Over ripe and approaching               Putrescence.” ◆ About John Donne:- Donne was born in London, into a recusant Roman Catholic family when practice of that religion was illegal in England. Donne was the third of six children.

P-4 : IWE : Raja Ram Mohan Roy's Contribution in Indian Renaissance

RAJA RAMMOHAN ROY'S CONTRIBUTION IN INDIAN RENAISSANCE Name : Dave Avni J. Roll no : 03 Paper-4 : Indian Writing in English Enrollment no : 2069108420190011 Email id : Submitted to : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English Evaluate my assignment click here RAJA RAMMOHAN ROY'S CONTRIBUTION IN INDIAN RENAISSANCE  ◆ Introduction ◆ The influence of new education ◆ Causes ◆ Raja Rammohan Roy ◆ Contribution ◆ R.R.M.R ◆ Introduction : The 19th century is very important period in history of india. It was a period during which english educated Indians were determined to reform indian culture, society and religion. The english educated Indians, sought inspiration from Vedas and upanishad. They were also influenced by western scientific thoughts. The hindu leaders like raja ram mohan rai, Debendranath Tagore, Keshav Chandra Sen, M.G.Ranade, Atmaram Pandurangan, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda and a host of others set out to reform hin

P-3 : Lit-crit-1 : Various Kinds of Criticism

          Various kinds of Criticism Name : Dave Avni J. Roll no : 03 Paper-3 : Lit crit 1 Enrollment no : 2069108420190011 Email id : Submitted to : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English Evaluate my assignment click here           Various kinds  of Criticism =) What is criticism?              In ancient time literature was a kind of activity in broader meaning it included literary criticism. But after Dryden criticism found it's own place and it became an independent branch. Criticism is the branch of study concerned with defining, classifying and expanding and evaluating works of literature. Criticism though is considered not equal to creative process like composing poetry or writing drama but it does not stand for lower in any respect. =) What is the role of criticism ?              There are many roles of criticism. Criticism is far from being a simple and ordinary field of beneficiant activity; it is not better than a sunday park of c