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Edgar Allan Poe's short stories: Dr. Jay Mehta's task

Poe's Short Stories: Dr Jay Mehta Task 

1. Read the first Gujarati story and listen to the audio recitation of the second story. Observe how the two wordsmiths work wonders through words! (Absolute obsession of alliteration).

 Ans. :   The story is “MANSANGH” write by Jayant Khatri. The story started with a very unique way and also suspense story.  The language is used in 'Talpadi Gujrati'. The story begins with Dark night. So the Dark midnight’s is also a symbol of the macabre story. It’s very hard to write a horror scene rather than showing and listening. In this story, there are no sounds only words to explain all expression. So it’s very difficult. But Jayant Khatri writes very well techniques. Readers feel that deep words and horror situation.
 In this story, the name of the narrative is not mentioned but we can say that the story narrated by the master.

2. List out various adjectives that contribute the most in creating the "pre-established design" or effect that the author intended to create.

 Ans. :  Adjectives are used a very impactful in the story. Nouns and adjectives are important in this story because there are indications for the story of horror and suspicious. but a way of using very complex rather than semantic structure. Adjective give extra meaning to the ord.
It is a type of suffix and prefix. I  found some adjective in this story.
- ખુલ્લુ  મોં
- સફેદ લુગડુ
- ફાટેલું તકીયુ
- ખુલ્લુ આકાશ
- રડતું કૂતરું
- તોફાની દ્શ્યો
- અશાન્ત સ્વપ્ન
- અંધારી રાત
- કુંવારી દીકરી

3. Which are the phrases you find frightening? How are they placed in the text?

 Ans. :  When I read the story I found some horrible and weird phrases like
- અંધારી રાત
- બંગડી અવાજ
- ધ્રુજતો‌ હાથ
- કૂતરાનો રડવા નો અવાજ
-  પવનના સુસવાટા
- તણખા ઝરતી આંખો
- દીવા ના પ્રકાશ થી પડછાયો હલવો
- રાત શાંત હતી, અશાંતિ કરતાંય ભયંકર ‌રીતે શાંત
So I found that type of frightening phrases. Other is  મોંઘી's character portrait as madness person at the end of the story. Also cat and પીપળો also symbol of a horror story.

4. Can you find out any other lexical varieties such as figures of speech like simile, metaphor, personification etc? Briefly explain their significance in the story.

 Ans. :  I read a story that time I see the use of figurative language.  Figurative language gives some unique elegance in the story. I like most figurative language. The metaphorical language used by Jayant Khatri.
Examples are like that,
“આંખો વાઘ ને તણખા ઝરતી”
“તારાઓ નું જોવું”
“આભ ફાટેલું તેવો હસવાનો અવાજ”
“ડોક ના સતરસો વલાક”
“હસવાનો અવાજ જાણે ભરેલી ગાગર ઠલવાઈ. ”
“જાણે આંસુના દરિયા ની ભરતી હતી.”

5. What is the impact of listening to the stories on your mind? Which Rasas/emotions erupt in you during and after the reading/listening sessions?

 Ans. : This way of learning is very useful rather than reading or as it is a method. When I read the story I feel like I am one of the characters of that story. I really enjoyed the story. I feel like I see all incidence and also read with curiosity. I see some perversity of Monghi's character. Those feeling are helpful for the understanding of Poe's story.

°•° Thank you...


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