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Prof Balaji - Reflective blog on postcolonial studies

Reflective blog on postcolonial studies by Prof. Dr.Balaji Ranganathan sir.


1). 10 things learned from the session on postcolonial studies.

In this session, we learned several things on postcolonial studies like as...
Postcolonial: master-slave,
The Negro and Language,
 Black skin & White mask,
The Blackman and psychology,
so-called dependency complex of the colonized,
the woman of the colour and the white man,
the man of colour and the white woman, the negro & recognition,
the being and the other,
Orientalism- Edward Said
A Tempest
Imaginary Homelands
Nostalgia and memory.

2). Understanding of postcolonial studies.

Postcolonialism or postcolonial studies is the academic study of the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism, focusing on the human consequences of the control and exploitation of colonized people and their lands. Postcolonialism is a critical theory analysis of the history, culture, literature, and discourse of European imperial power. The name postcolonialism is modelled on postmodernism, with which it shares certain concepts and methods, and may be thought of as a reaction to or departure from colonialism in the same way postmodernism is a reaction to modernism.

On a deeper level, postcolonialism examines the social and political power relationships that sustain colonialism and neocolonialism, including the social, political and cultural narratives surrounding the colonizer and the colonized. This approach may overlap with contemporary history and critical theory, and may also draw examples from history, political science, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and human geography.

Sub-disciplines of postcolonial studies examine the effects of colonial rule on the practice of feminism, anarchism, literature and Christian thought.

The independent Institute of Postcolonial Studies in Melbourne, Australia, established in 1996, publishes the leading journal in the field Postcolonial Studies. Orientalism (1978) by Edward w.Said. It inaugurated the postcolonial theory. Orientalism refers to Europeans knowledge on eastern people.

3). A brief summary of texts in syllabus in the course on postcolonial studies.

4). What so ever you find it deems fit for the reflection on expert session on postcolonial studies.

Balaji sir has great knowledge📕 of the postcolonial studies and also it's history or record. So he deems fit for to reflection on the expert session on postcolonial studies.

Thank you..!!!


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