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Assignment: Refugee Mother and Child

African Poetry: Refugee Mother and Child   Name : Avni J Dave Semester : 04 Roll no : 03 Paper no : 14 African Literature Topic : Refugee Mother & Child Submitted to : Smt S. B. Gardi Department of the English, MKBU Refugee Mother and Child   by Chinua Achebe Chinua Achebe was very well-known for his work on post-colonialism; his upbringing in southeastern Nigeria made his childhood a firsthand experience into the world of colonialism, and has fuelled such works as Things Fall Apart, the most well-known work of African literature today. Most don’t even associate the name Achebe with his poetry, and yet poems such as Refugee Mother and Child prove that the incredible talent Achebe possessed with the written word did not end with novels alone. No Madonna and Child could touch That picture of a mother’s tenderness For a son she soon would have to forget. The air was heavy with odours Of diarrhoea of unwashed children With washed-out ribs and dried-up Bottoms strug

Assignment: E-media

Electronic Media: An Introduction   Name: Avni J Dave  Roll no: 03 Semester: 04 Paper no: 15 Mass Media & Communication  Topic:  E-media: An Introduction  Submitted to: Smt S. B. Gardi Department of the English, MKBU  -) Electronic Media: An Introduction  -) Television and Mass Communication  -) Computer & Information Technology -) Computer Image Processing  -) Techniques used in Electronic Media  -) Electronic Media: An Introduction  To communicate with one another is a compulsive urge of human beings. Civilizations and cultures progress to the extent communications have made Them possible. Speech (unaided for its propagation) has a limited distance Range. Communication within the family and every closely living family helped The primitive communities. As movement also was limited, there could have been Thousands of languages as despaired in the expression ‘Babel of tongues.’ After Speech, the next important development was writing. It helped preservation of

Assi- Language, Discourse and Social Identity

Language, Discourse and Social Identity Name: Avni J Dave Roll no: 03 Semester: 04 Paper no: 13 The New Literature Topic: Language, Discourse and Social Identity Submitted to: Smt S. B. Gardi Department of the English, MKBU  Language, Discourse and Social Identity    ★ Language used in its various forms in the Postcolonial novels plays important roles as the novelist have made it a vehicle express Contesting ideological differences between classes, castes, generations, religions and races in the contemporary societal organization. Bakhtin'sconcept of`heteroglassia’particularly underscores these Conflicting function of the different forms of language operative in a society through its speakers and dialogic dynamism they receive in this matter. Language is not merely an abstract r;it is`realized in the form of concrete Utterances’ a participant makes in the social contexts. It is observed that the form of language the upper, superior class and caste people in the mu

Harry Potter

Harry Potter-Web_Quest My Web_Quest Movie part:- Harry pottter is world famous literature and specially in young generation. We could see  many themes like power politics, satire, Moral values, children literature ,fiction literature, fantacy literature,mystery etc. Name of All Series             Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)             Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)             Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)             Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)             Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)             Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 (2010)             Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2011) Topic Feminist Reading of Hermione and other female characters in Harry Potter Feminist  reading of female characters of  Harry Potter especially in the character of Hermione Granger. In Harry potter Hermio

BA: TY: Play: The Hairy Ape

Play: The Hairy Ape by Eugene O'Neill Yank as a Tragic hero or 'Hairy Ape' as a modern tragedy Introduction:- Most of O'Neill's plays are tragedies 'Hairy Ape' is also a great tragedy. But it is not a conventional tragedy in the Aristotlelian tradition but a modern tragedy. It's subject matter and theme is the same, but it's form is different. It is a great tragedy with a great difference. Yank as a tragic hero: not a man of high rank- Aristotle laid down that the hero of tragedy must be exceptional individual, man of high rank, a king or a prince so that his fall from his greatness would arouse the tragic emotions of pity and fear. All Shakespeare's heroes fulfil this requirement. But Yank, the hero of 'Hairy Ape' is not a man of high rank. He is not a king or a prince or some extra ordinary human being. He is a common stoker whose business is to shove fuel into the furnace of the ships engine. For long hours, he has to work

BA : Poem : Friendship by H D Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau highlight the importance of friendship in his poem 'Frienship'. Title:- 'Friendship' is a one of the favourite subject of the poet, many poem have been written under the same title. Here the title 'Friendship' is a short, simple and meaningful as the poem highlights the elements of friendship.  Theme:- Thoreau conveys his feeling, emotion and sentiment by the way of poem. He has beautifully described love through friendship. According to him love and friendship are both on the same level and synonyms to each other. The central theme of the poem is friendship.  Content:- Friendship is a well rhyming poem. The poet has analized friendship from its roots and found out they are equal and there is no difference between the two love and friendship both are equally important in a relationship, love is the greatest feeling in the world as Thoreau begins this poem:     "I think a while of love, while      I think, love is to me a

Thinking Activity: The Sense of an Ending

The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes About Writer: Julian Barnes               Julian Patrick Barnes (born 19 January 1946) is an English writer. Barnes won the Man Booker Prize for his book The Sense of an Ending (2011), and three of his earlier books had been shortlisted for the Booker Prize: Flaubert's Parrot (1984), England, England (1998), and Arthur & George (2005). The Sense of an Ending The novel is divided into two parts The first part biggins in the 1960s. It begins with four intellectually arrogant school friends. we are told about two friends out of four. The first one is Tony the narrator and the second one is a Adrain the most preciously intelligent of the four. When they were in the last year of the school, a boy who killed himself after getting a girl pregnant. The four friends discuss the death philosophically, they wanted to know what exactly happened. Then Adrain joins Cambridge University. Whereas Tony takes admission in Bristol univ

Web 2.0 tools for ELT

ELT 2- MOOC powerful Tools for Teaching & Learning - Web 2.0 Tools Web 2.0 Tools are online software programs that allow users to do a number of different things. They can be used to teach curriculum content, store data, create/edit video, edit photos, collaborate and so much more. ... The use of Web 2.0 Tools to support instruction is vital. As educators, the use of Web 2.0 tools is modifying our work, and more specifically the way we support students in the classroom. As schools bring more technology into their classrooms, teachers will, in turn, strive to put more technology in their students’ hands. That is if they are prepared to do so. Web 2.0 Tools are online software programs that allow users to do a number of different things. They can be used to teach curriculum content, store data, create/edit video, edit photos, collaborate and so much more. These programs are often free and are used by teachers and students. Examples of Web 2.0 -) Interactive social media

Literature Review (What is Literature? and How literature Shaped me?

Literature Review: What is Literature? & How Literature Shaped Me? What is Literature? From my BA, I know about literature, but in BA I deeply never know about literature. We just know literature is it and that is. But how to connect with human and reflect us, now I understand. Literature is like something is taught us and inspire us. In school time we listen to any simple story it is also part of our literature. Literature, like any art form, engages the reader in a complex set of emotional, symbolic, moral, intellectual and social considerations. It uses the normal means of communication- language, images, symbols, statutes, stories. Literature as a part of our growth and development. It gives us an insight into the deep meaning of literature, the interrelation between humanism and literature. Then now, I completed an MA after just one month, I'm able to define what is Literature. Literature is the life of the journey. In journey thoughts, happiness, pain, a

Expert Lecture on ELT 2 by Prof. Atanu Bhattacharya

English Language Teaching 2 by Prof. Atanu Bhattacharya English is a widely spoken language today. It has often been referred to as ‘global language’, the lingua franca of the modern era and currently the language most often taught as a second language around the world. English in India is used not only for communicating with the outside world but also for inter-state and intrastate communication. Because of the great ethnic and linguistic diversity found within our nation, English acts as an indispensable ‘link’ language. 1. ELT - Historical Perspective Any kind subject history is the beginning of aspect. In literature, history is necessary for very closely related to the subject. Also, the subject is deeply rooted in history. So history is basic information about the topic. First World War 1880 World  War 1st to 1940 World war 2nd until 1970  the seventies and early eighties As above during that period, in the English language teaching change and creation the methods

BA:SY: Short story: The Sage of Tarungiri & Seven Old Seekers

THE SAGE OF TARUNGIRI & SEVEN OLD SEEKERS BY MANOJ DAS Critically evaluate the theme of the story "The Sage of Tarungiri and Seven Old Seekers" OR SHORT NOTE: Myticism found in the story          The Sage of Tarungiri and Seven Old Seekers is a story about a mysterious sage and seven selfish men who seek his blessings to overcome the worries and anxieties of their life. The old bearded Sage, Tukan Baba weeps all the while and lives in his lonely cave. He comes out of this cave only in full moon nights. His Disciple, Meghananda has the mytic faith that whoever touches the feet of this spiritually enlightened sage in that blessed moonlit night and seeks his blessings is rewarded splendidly and all his desires are fulfilled. The seven old men are convinced that there are more things in heaven and earth that are dreamt of in their philosophy. So, they make all fictitious preparations to collect blessings from Tukan Baba. But when Baba comes out smiling instead of we

BA: the play Ghashiram Kotwal by Vijay Tendulkar

The Marathi play Ghashiram Kotwal by Vijay Tendulkar Describe the play 'Gashiram Kotwal' as a play of political reflection of the time. What evils of politics does the play reflect? Discuss. Discuss political issues and their evils.         The playwright Tendulkar is aware of the present political scenario. He intends to expose the evils of politics. This is a field where power, sex and religion are deeply connected. All three combined together makes the situation, people horrible directly or indirectly all people are influenced.  Ghasiram Kotwal is also a play dominated by these issues. ♣ GHASHIRAM ON DEPUTATION Ghashiram comes to Pune for his livelihood. He is a Brahmin from Kannauj, he begins to work with Gulabi a prostitute. Nana visits her once. Nana's ankle is hurt. It is seen by Ghashiram. He supports Nana's foot. He leads his back for the support for this small action Nana is pleased very much. He is able to catch the attention of a great leade

BA:FY Poem: The Eagle by Alfred Lord Tennyson

The Eagle - Alfred Lord Tennyson ★ Background:-         The Eagle is a poem written by the Englishman Alfred Lord Tennyson. Tennyson lived during the Victorian Era during the 1800s. In this era, a movement called Romanticism became extremely popular within the literary society. It was the reaction to the previous Age of Reason among the culture. Romanticism focused on freedom instead of formalism, individualism instead of conformity, and imagination instead of reality.           Romantic poets believed that nature was beautiful, and humans are the centre of nature. They believed human should get in touch with their inner soul by appreciating the beauty of nature. Tennyson's The Eagle clearly shows an emphasis on appreciating nature. ★ Summarize the poem:-           The poem has a very simple concept. It focuses on one eagle, alone in the world in the wild. In the first line, the eagle is atop a mountain, poised to strike. He is high up where no other animal or hum