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Assignment: E-media

Electronic Media: An Introduction 

Name: Avni J Dave 
Roll no: 03
Semester: 04
Paper no: 15 Mass Media & Communication 
Topic:  E-media: An Introduction 
Submitted to: Smt S. B. Gardi Department of the English, MKBU 

-) Electronic Media: An Introduction 
-) Television and Mass Communication 
-) Computer & Information Technology
-) Computer Image Processing 
-) Techniques used in Electronic Media 

-) Electronic Media: An Introduction 

To communicate with one another is a compulsive urge of human beings. Civilizations and cultures progress to the extent communications have made Them possible. Speech (unaided for its propagation) has a limited distance Range. Communication within the family and every closely living family helped The primitive communities. As movement also was limited, there could have been Thousands of languages as despaired in the expression ‘Babel of tongues.’ After Speech, the next important development was writing. It helped preservation of Ideas, of thoughts, of agreements and their transmission from generation to Generation. Until paper and printing were invented, even writing could help only to a limited extent for communication between far-flung communities and Societies. Printing helped the multiplication of information and knowledge and their easy availability to tens of thousands of people. Even though paper and printing extended the range of communication, they could not influence the rapidly of transmission.

By the beginning of the 1930s, almost all over the world radio broadcasting For Information transmission over wide communities and areas had been Established. From then onwards we could say that the Information was becomingMore and more electronic-based. In the 1950s began the transmission of picture Along with voice for broadcasting. Television increasingly caught on. The black and And white pictures were themselves a wonder, but television became an arresting  marvel with colour transmissions.

  It has become increasingly affordable by more and more people because  the transistors and the Integrated circuits made the mass-produced radios as well as the television sets cheaper every decade. The invention and increased availability of portable recording and replaying devices enabled the capture of  events as they were taking place and they’re near instantaneous broadcasting  throughout the world. Communication satellites with the capability of telephone and telex and television helped the worldwide instantaneous transmission of  News and views of events. 

Audio and videocassette recording and their multiplication in million is Enabling the spread o instruction and training and entertainment and education. 

Electronics, computers and telecommunication media are enabling the Simultaneous printing newspapers from several centers. Electronic book Publishing is another rapidly growing activity. Personal computers, access databases over telecom media, and print out a mass of information in whatever formats it is wanted. They are a great aid for information storage, retrieval and processing.

In modern times, because of the industrial revolution and intensive and economic exploitation of resources and increasing consumption of goods and services, huge companies or corporations and organizations are a necessity. They are also economically efficient. It is very necessary that all these companies and organisations explain to the masses of money-providers and consumers why and how they are performing and how best their services could be utilized by the consumer. This is one of the most important aspects of public information and relations that every corporate organization has to undertake. While newspapers could be useful only a fraction of the 30 per cent of the lettered people in India, mass communication media like radio, television and Internet are the most effective and economic means of mass information. Huge organizations become more and more impersonal and bureaucratized. Customers, and may be even the workers, will find themselves helpless in understanding or reacting with these organizations. Various communication media like audio and videocassettes and electronic reproduction methods enable a public instructional and information programme to be carried out easily. They are the means by which mind can be informed and influenced for the achievement of an organisation's goals and for the transformation of society.

A wide range of electronic communication technology, which can bring About meaningful revolution and improvement in information transmission are Now available. Many of the organisations in developing countries, may not be in A position to make use of all the latest innovations. The developing countries in Collaboration with large business organisations should chalk out a phased Programme for introduction of new communication devices into their Organizational structure to make communication effective. Radio, Television, and Internet are the important innovations. It is necessary to introduce such latest and Sophisticated communication technology in collaboration with other countries. The managements in developing countries must realize the importance of new Communication technologies for speedy, quick, correct and low cost transmission As well as for imparting education to catch up with the advanced countries of the world. 

Radio, Television and Internet are the most important electronic media, in Which this study concentrates only on Television and Internet and also on Television and Internet advertising and hence, here afterwards, researcher talks Only on Television and Internet in general and Television and Internet advertising In particular. These media have been selected for the study with the intention that Both Television and Internet media form second group of advertising commercial Media. 
Griffin points out some basic faults in ‘mouth to mouth’ communication. They refer to the problems of duration, speed, absence of visual clues, Unidimensional, absence of phatic communication and disembodiment. According To Griffin, the role of the coordinator is very crucial and very difficult in a satellite Programme. 
Mass media assistance is required to communicate development Programmes and achievements to the mass. Thus today seventy per cent of the Population in the country is covered by television.
Both Television and Internet advertisements are visual communication Media. A visual aid is any visible device that assists to transmit to learner facts, Skills, understanding, knowledge and appreciation, and that is why both Television and Internet ads have arrested the minds of both general publics in General and marketers in particular. It is widely being believed all over the World that the mass media (particularly Television & Internet) plays an Important role in building and developing a country.

-) Television and Mass Communication 

It is widely believed that mass media has an Important role to play in Achieving national goals. The UNESCO report on  various aspects of  communication and society provides eight following functions of mass media:
Dissemination of information; 
Promoting debates and discussion; 
Cultural Promotion;
Entertainment; and

-) Computer & Information Technology 

A large mechanical electronic contrivance with associated electro chemical Equipments capable of carrying out mathematical functions at high speed and Accuracy. Computer is capable of storing and processing huge quantity of Information and performing calculations through data processing machine. 
Computer has been defined by the United States of American Institute, as A device capable of solving problems, by accepting data performing described Operations on the data and supplying the results of the operations. Calculations, Digital computers and analog computers are the types of computers. It has Components like input unit, memory storage, arithmetic unit, output unit etc. Computing process is done and controlled by a computer programming. 

An electronic contrivance which solves problems and does complicated Calculations by processing data according to prescribed, programmed Instructions and then produces and or retains the outcome of these processes; One who computers; a reckoner; a calculator (New Webster’s Dictionary).

-) Computer Image Processing 

Computer imaging is the integration of computer graphics system into the creative process. Artists absorb and assimilate the unique character of computer systems and their capabilities, intuitively using them as a vehicle for visual expression, and for visual communication of information. 
The computer provides the basis for dynamic new directions in art, with unique application ink painting, drawing photography, print-making, laser images, and in graphic design, product design and television graphics.

(a) The Imaging Process: 
Computer imaging as multi-dimensional process Consists off four basic components. The four basic components are the input Process, involving a variety of input devices; image manipulation or image Processing instruction sets or software; the output process using a series of Output devices; and finally output media involving the integration of computer Imagery with another medium. 

(b) Image Transformation: 
One of the most valuable capabilities of computer Graphics system is image transformation. This is the process of changing the Nature of an object or its state or being a metamorphosis. 

C). Assemblage: 
Figures, objects, and images can be super-imposed to create Complex compositions. Using a computer graphics system gives the artist Access to any figure or element in a picture or composition. These elements Can be extracted, scaled, rotated and repeated, and synthesized with other Elements. Another technique involves breaking up a composition or Fracturing it into pieces, creating some open areas. These fractured Compositions are then super imposed on other compositions.

-) Techniques used in Electronic Media

(a) Computer Graphics: Computer graphics have always been one of the most Visually spectacular branches of computer technology. The computer has bought new power, versatility, speed and value that enable one to create high quality images or animations for a variety of uses. With the various software available, one can quickly create complex shapes and edit them in a variety of ways to build three-dimensional objects. One can virtually create any kind of material, by combining colour settlings, transparency, and special effects. The materials that can be created are water, glass, and granite, marble among many others.  

(b) Morphing: Another interesting area within computer graphics is morphing. Morphing is the transition from one image to another in a vary short span of Time, such that the move appears to be continuous to the viewer. Using various software tools it is now possible to create real life 3D effects. We take  a look at the process involved.


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