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BA: the play Ghashiram Kotwal by Vijay Tendulkar

The Marathi play Ghashiram Kotwal by Vijay Tendulkar

Describe the play 'Gashiram Kotwal' as a play of political reflection of the time.

What evils of politics does the play reflect? Discuss.

Discuss political issues and their evils.

        The playwright Tendulkar is aware of the present political scenario. He intends to expose the evils of politics. This is a field where power, sex and religion are deeply connected. All three combined together makes the situation, people horrible directly or indirectly all people are influenced.  Ghasiram Kotwal is also a play dominated by these issues.


Ghashiram comes to Pune for his livelihood. He is a Brahmin from Kannauj, he begins to work with Gulabi a prostitute. Nana visits her once. Nana's ankle is hurt. It is seen by Ghashiram. He supports Nana's foot. He leads his back for the support for this small action Nana is pleased very much. He is able to catch the attention of a great leader like him later on him. Later on, he deputes him as the Kotwal of the city. It is a great position power and position both come to him. But nana is very clever to do so he has his per purposes.

1). Nana does not trust his own Brahman people as many of them are against him.
2). Ghashiram would be a safe weapon against them as he is an outsider.
3). Being outsider people will not trust Ghashiram.

    So, in this case, he is safe from both sides. In any case either he could blame Ghashiram or people. Thus Nana is a mastermind and selfish man.


He has found out that Nana is a lusty man. His visit to Gulabi is an example of this. Moreover, he comes to a religious tale. There are women and all of them know that's why they begin to put their screes to properly cover. Nana's eyes catch out a young girl. A change takes place. He is ready to attack upon her but she escapes

Nana couldn't bear, Ghashiram comes on the scene. Nana asks him to catch her. (his passions are so much aroused) that he asks him to do anything for her. Ghashiram takes benefit of the situation. He demands power from him in return to her. He knows that the woman is not anybody but his own daughter Gauri, he brings her to him when the order is signed. Thus, Ghshiram gets power at the cost of his daughter.


Ghashiram soon realises evils of politics. Nana demands Gauri one more time. Ghashiram realises the situation and he has acquired the position on the basis of sex. Now the evil looms large upon him. He repents for it but it's late now. He becomes restless. He begins to be heavy on the other side Nana to takes more and more benefit. He visits prostitutes are regular, dance with Gulabi in presence of his citizens, and tells everything. Gauri becomes motive of his life and Ghashiram becomes a terror to the city.


Ghashiram becomes the terror to the people. He begins to use his power and position. There is revenge in the backdrop of morality. He had been insulted and humiliated. Now he has got the opportunity to settle down the issues. He orders for permits. Nothing is allowed without a permit. In the name of it, he crushes the people. There is no limit of harassment, innocent or bad all are equally treated. There is so much force that good turn in bad and bad into worse and it into the worst. There are false cases, they are trapped, jailed and beaten. There is no place in the jail the Prisoners suffocate and die for a small reason punishment is hard.

No doubt people stop many bad things. (at night the streets are deserted) The lane of a prostitute is lonely. Brahmins have stopped cheating. They have been straightened but it is like spring only for forced worked out of Poona everything is the same. Many have started going to Bavannakshni. It is a prostitute district. Whatever it may be but Ghashiram's shadow envelopes all of them.


Religion is a wine that rigid people drink it.
The ignorant join with them result is very horrible the politicians know these and their use this wine for their purpose. They misuse the holy institution. The play has religious elements. There are songs and dances in the accompaniment of music. There are katha, prayer and holy processions but politicians like don't have respect to such things. Holy songs turn into Lavni, dance turns erotic, religious meetings become haunting places. Women are found out from there, Gauri and Gulabi are such cares. Gauri is a find of such a meeting.

When the place revolted Nana brings religion. He wants to save himself, he tells his soldiers to do religious things which the brahmins want. He knows it would satisfy them.

Nana uses religion in his own way. He gives his meaning. Gauri indicates Ganesha's idol but he says he won't mind, he also to buy one on each side.

Ghashiram also uses religion for him it is in the following morality, he asks for the religious thread to any Brahman, married women have scared bracelet on their neck for marriage it is proof but he denies and asks other things visiting prostitutes, telling lies are sins and Ghashiram orders to have strict vigilance over such things. Thus, religion is a Mark to Nana and Ghashiram.


The politician uses people and often people use politicians. Sometimes there is a narrow line in their dealings to each other hunter is hunted down. He is trapped, Nana is a very cunning politician, he was a considered the Chanakya of the Maratha for his libido and defence. He makes a deal with Ghashiram, no doubt it is better to both. Nana loses his hold over people and Ghashiram's daughter. In this dealing Gauri is the scapegoat, Ghashiram gets power and position using his daughter.

We think that Nana loses his hold. But his view is quite clear. He tells Ghashiram that he would kill his daughter with a bullet with other Bullet Poona will dance. His design of making him a counter check is revealed. He knows the Maratha brahmins will not trust him. He says "We Made You got Kotwal". Further, he says, "he just raised a dog at our door to the position of the Kotwal".

His shrewdness is seen Gauri is killed and in writing the order for Ghashiram's death. In the first care he uses religion, he gives long philosophical advice to him and follows the duty. He forces him to obey his command in the other he uses people to kill Ghashiram. Thus, he removes both the thrones.

Though the play indicator part political system, no one would be against that it is almost a contemporary political picture, things are some only people and time have changed. Politics is meant to help people but in ninety percent it does not bring evil.


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