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Rang Mohan youth festival- 2019

Rang Mohan Yuva Mahotsav- 2019

This year, we celebrated the 29th interagency college competition Yuva Mahotsav. Maharaja Krushnakumarsinghji Bhavnagar University has celebrated Rang Mohan youth festival of four days. This entire festival of four days hosted by the Department of Physical Education. Interagency college competition through we are developed our inner ability and many talents are enhanced by this festival. This festival was a youth or yuvak festival so this type of word suggest to the young generation and connect to the youth generation show their skills, abilities and expanded this way.
This festival beginning on 25th Sep with Kalayatra from Shamaldas Arts College to Law College, Sardarnagar. This time the name of the youth festival is Rang Mohan which is based on Gandhi's 150th birth anniversary.

The next day is the inauguration ceremony. In this ceremony, there are several guests those who are coming in an opening ceremony like as Kirtidan Gadhvi, Mayabhai Ahir, Dhirubhai sarvaiya.

As per sir says many things are observed and connect to the various point of view. All four days I enjoyed very much and we all participate. But I have not attended all the events. I attended several events like a one-act play, western group song, mono or solo performance, Installation and bhajan.

Bhajan & Folk songs:

These performances are also tough because in these solo performances many participants participate and they gave those best. Bhajan is also based on religious aspects. Ram, Sita, Krishna, Radha or Meera and so many then also performed into the time limit.
The folk song is also connected with bhajan or sugar. But the folk song is some tough than other vocal songs because in folk songs it has to take long slope.
In these events, many performances are related to villages and concerned to the rustic life. This event also followed the rules like green, red or yellow light, time management or rhythm and choices of songs.

Western Group songs:

This song is based on western lyrics and their instruments. There is no use any other language only used is the English language. Other instruments are no match in the western performances. But there are very few participants to participate in western songs. Because they have no use, never listen to western music or songs and don't pronunciation of this language. But we all have to participate and fully enjoyed during our performance. I am very enjoying it. I have a lot of pleasure in the singing and I participated in it a second time.

Drama or Skit or One-act play :

This play performed by our department of students. One act play is also associated with the literary part of these festivals. Literary sensibility and religious are reflected in their play. All plays are transmitted new ideas, present topics or good messages and satire on political ways. According to Aristotle, the drama is followed three unities and drama should have five acts but nowadays dramatists not follow this concept of drama.

According to Dryden's interpretation of the three unities such as the plot should be single; the time of action 24 hours; place the same throughout. Dryden argues that unity of place is not mentioned by Aristotle and unity of time is violated by Terence.

There is a logic behind the unity of action which requires a plot to be a coordinated whole.

It does not affect the unity when a sub-plot is introduced as one more part woven into the main design.

The strict adherence to unity of time and place lead to a dearth of plot and narrowness of imagination.

Increasing the time of the plot does not affect unity. The scene of the play need not be confined to one place. Dryden considered the unity of time and place too rigorous.

Our skit performance based on third gender of the person and we used the word "kinnar" or LGBT. Most of the people are not like the third gender and even they do not like the girl in thigs patriarchy society. This play produced feelings like pity and fear this sensibility called to catharsis. And also talked about the relationship between a boy with boy and girls with girls, so this skit also talked about Gay or Lesbian relationship. This play also argues satire and questioning on so-called society.

As per Dryden's point of view drama or skit is the unity of the sequences, time management, dialogue delivery or also characters or members of drama/skills, the property is used in the skit but how they use in a proper way and then how to they put the proper way, it also matters. So in skit and drama judge also observe the minor things and points out of their act.

Satirical comedy 
Satire is a figure of speech, used by the writers to expose and criticize the follies and misdoings of the individuals and society.

What is a Satirical comedy?
Satirical comedy in the form of satire in which the writer uses comic elements to expose the realities of the society or any problem. The writer uses fictional characters to represent the real people, to expose and condemn their corruption. It intends to improve the problems of society by exposing them and by giving their solutions.

In the youth festivals, there are many events like drama, skit, oratory or poetry writing or recitation participants also a satire on our society. We can say that Our Skit performance also Satirical Comedy.  It is used to bring about social change. When the actions become humorous there is a hope to change them or to improve them according to the need. This idea is to encourage betterment. The purpose of the skit or drama this satirical comedy is to expand the faults in the people to make them aware of their stupidity.

Art and creativity

Art and crafts is a creative activity that expresses imaginative or technical skill it produces an artefact, also called a work of art, for others to experience. Art includes drawing, painting, sculpting, photography, dance, music, clay modelling, installation, cartooning and all fine arts. These are also a portion of our festivals. Art and creativity also an interesting thing to make a different thing and moreover extremely impressive and attractive. So the way also participants develops their own talent in an artistic way. It's also hard work and making intelligence, through arts and craft,  participants learn to value and appreciate artefacts and images across cultures and times. Experience in art and crafts facilitate them to reflect critically on their own work and those by others.


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