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Psychoanalytic Study on Poe’s Short stories

Psychoanalytic Study on Poe’s Short stories

Name : Avni J Dave
Semester : 03
Roll no : 03
Paper no : 10 American Literature
Topic : Psychoanalytic Study on Poe’s Short stories
Email ID :
Submitted to : Smt S. B. Gardi Department of the English, MKBU

Psychoanalytic Study on Poe’s Short stories 

Here is a psychoanalytic interpretation of short stories by Edgar Allan Poe. Freudian concepts have been applied to the characters’ dialogue and deeds, language and body language to examine their personality.

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is considered a father figure for the genre of short story as he was one the earliest writers of short fiction. Despite being a poet, editor and literary critic, his prime contributions has been to the formation of short story in America. Generations after generations of writers in the world have been inspired and influenced by his theory of short story and by his stories as well. His most recurring themes deal with question of  including its physical signs, the effects of decomposition, conxerns of premature burial, the animation of the dead, in the morning. Poe’s early detective  fiction tales featuring C. Auguste Dupin laid the groundwork for future detectives in literature. This chapter will make an extensive study of the chosen short stories of Poe from the perspective of psychology and will draw out certain remarkable features regarding the same.

The Tell Tale Heart

Poe’s best known fiction works are Gothic – a genre he followed to appease the public taste. M. H. Abrams explains the term:-
“The term ‘Gothic’ has also been extended to a type of friction beach plaster exotic setting of the early romances, but developed a breathing atmosphere of gloom and  terror, represent events that are  uncanny or macabre or  melodramatic violent."

His mostly recurring  themes deal with questions of death, including its physical signs, the effects of decomposition, concerns of premature burial, the reanimation of the dead, and mourning. Poe wrote much of his work using themes physically catered for mass market tastes.

During his lifetime, Poe was mostly recognized as a little critic. He was also known as a writer of fiction and became one of the first American authors of the 19th century to become more popular in Europe than in the united states. Poe is particularly respected in France, in part due to  early translations by Charles Baudelaire. Baudelaire  translations became definitive rendition of Poe’s work throughout Europe.

Even though ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ is one of the Poe’s short stories, it is nevertheless a profound, at times, vague investigation of man’s paranoia. It  manifests  the narrator attempt to rationalize his irrational  behavior. The  story commences with the narrator confessing  that he is a “very dreadfully nervous” type. This type is found throughout all the Poe’s fiction, the narrator here believes that his nervousness has chiseled his senses rather than destroying them. Thus, he begins by stating that he is not mad, yet he will continue his story and will expose not only that he is mad but that he is terribly made. His sensitivities allow him to hear and sense things in heaven, hell and on earth that other people are not even aware of. His over sensitivity becomes in the story the ultimate cause of his obsession with the old man’s eye, which in turn causes him to murder the old man. Ironically, the narattor offers as proof of his sanity the serenity with which he can relate the story.

One of Poe’s most popular and anthologized store is the tell tale heart is considered a stunning example of the deep connection between the Gothic tale in modern fiction is specially in its innovative use of the subjective narrative in its psychologically reach portrayal of a human situation that remains simultaneously is strange and familiar in its intimacy. The psychological complexity of both content in the form of ‘The Tell Tale Heart’ has continued to grip both the critical and popular imagination in anticipate more recent fictional exploration into the secret intricacy of the human condition.

The Fall of the House of Usher

The Fall of the House of Usher has a narrator who is invited to see his old childhood friend at his isolated abode. the story famous for its series of fantastic idea such as Usher believing the house of to have sentience, coupled with the impending death of his sister, horrible and gruesome atmosphere, unexpectedly nerve-wracking incidents etc. Critics have also focused on the possibilities of the theme of incest in this story.

This is one of the most renowned and oft studied tales of Poe- replete with archetypal Poe elements like horror, bloodshed, death, macabre atmosphere, supernatural elements, burying alive, psychological abnormalities rather the “disease of the soul” and likewise. Before detecting the tale for interpretation, it would be fair to have a birds eye view on the exterior, and story line.

The Purloined Letter

A highly  acclaimed work of Poe, The Purloined Letter is in early forerunner of the modern detective story which tells the tale of a woman of royalty view is blackmailed buy a cabinet minister. when the police fail to unlock the mystery of stolen later, it is Dupin who solves the riddle by the virtue of unsurpassed intellect. one of the masterpiece on crime psychology, the story revolves around the fabulous concept presented by the detective: - the real key to cracking a crime lies in entering the mind of the criminal and there’s precisely what Dupin does. the police official leaves no stone and turned to detect stolen later but he fails. He thoroughly investigates every nook and corner of the suspect house to the extent of taking the binding of books and this melting furniture actually the police officer employees old principles in concepts of police investigation but he is any by two things like the convict. Dupin has this strategy to think like the suspect in the strategy is the crux of the story. he explains…

“When I wish to find out how wise, how stupid, or how wicked is anyone, or what are these thoughts at the moment, I fashion the expression of my face is accurately is possible, in accordance with the expression of his and then wait to see, what thought or sentiments arise in my mind or heart, as if to match or correspond with the expression.”

Another interesting psychological phenomenon that the author employs is that people generally tend to ignore what lies in front of them out in open, like huge hoardings beside the road then it is taken for granted that something can be hidden  only by placing it to a distant, unapproachable area. despite the fact that the police officer explore all avenues to find the Purloined Letter, they fail because the letter has been deliberately replaced by the minister on a card rack with the some visiting cards, to give an impression that it is in significant paper lying carelessly on the pasteboard. Detective Dupin skillfully replaces it with an analogous letter.

The Cask of Amontillado

“If in many of my productions terror has been the thesis, I maintain that terror is not of Germany but of the soul.”

Allan Poe perfectly suits The Cask of Amontillado which is a story of dreadful, avenging soul. It is about Fortunato who has insulted the narrator and now Montressor is out to avenge it. He cajoles Fortunato to come to his home as a connoisseur to check the veracity of a rare brand of Amontillado. The narrator leads Fortunato deeper and deeper into the graveyard, getting him drinker and drunker along the way. The narrator chains Fortunato until he begs for mercy. After Fortunato cries out Montresor’s name, Montressor walls Fortunato alive. Then Montressor finishes the job and leaves him there to die. At last, Fortunato’s cry for help and the recurrent mention of Amontillado are heard. It is a startling story of how much one can get offended by a friend’s taunting remarks and to which extent one can go to avenge his humiliations.

The Gold Bug

The Gold Bug is a Story of William Legrand who was stung by a gold-colored bug. His servant, Jupiter, doubts that Legrand is probably turning insane in seeks help of Legrand’s friend, an unnamed narrator. He consents to come to his old friends home. Legrand pulls the other two into a thrilling enterprise after decoding a secret message that will lead to a buried treasure. with the theme of cryptography the story is a forerunner of the genre which is now known as detective fiction. Belonging to Poe’s sub genre – Tales of Ratiocination, ‘The Gold Bug’ is akin to other detective stories of the same narration in nature and narration. It deals with Legrand’s treasure-hunt enterprise and he resorts to cryptography in order to locate the hidden treasure worth millions of dollars. In this story also, Poe has sustained his signature style of sinister and supernatural atmosphere.

Like his other tales, ‘The Gold Bug’ makes human intelligence play a crucial role in unlocking the riddle of a hidden treasure. To sum up, Edgar Allan Poe has presented a kaleidoscopic picture of human mind ranging from crime and crime detection, adventure, treasure-hunt, scientific inventions and likewise. Psychotic obsession, madness, perverseness, neurosis, paranoia.. Poe’s stories have them all, so far psychoanalytic study is concerned.


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