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Various Terms on Postcolonial Study

Various Terms on Postcolonial Study

Name : Avni J Dave
Semester : 03
Roll no : 03
Paper no : 11 Postcolonial Study
Email ID :
Submitted to : S.B. Gardi Department of the English, MKBU.

Various Terms on Postcolonial Study

The age of present is ever in the state of flux where the text is always found in the process of decentring the center (Derrida). something changes into something with more justified and logical counterpart by the previous form of from which it came into being. Each epoch of a specification 8 time is modified with the help of 18 years is it most from one step to another with most dominating happy moment prominent resisting voice is what he will face too its next one. This is repeating phenomenon of the post-colonial that is crazy suites previous page namely  colonialism in age of policy in sectors of acquiring political control over and other country of keeping it was settlers and exploiting in economically. The literature of the Post- colonialism is explicity based on  and observation interviews of enter culture religion in delete your city nation language in its nature and function, oppressor and oppressed, races and castes, spirituality, theories and terminologies and what not.


Greek meaning ‘To disperse’ mention in this chapter wise to make aware of what is in Rushdie’s book about Diaspora and or diasporic feeling or diasporic literature or writing. To be very simple, Diaspora man’s inner cry for his native place after losing it by which is original identity was fixed. The researchers finds the diasporic elements in “Homesickness” a poem written by charles wellesley West African poet the title of the poem the knows the meaning of the dashboard atlas of the origin scenes of belonging ness, rootlessness from one’s own birthplace, feeling of strangersness in others place, loneliness secluded life from the crowded people, feeling unknown to one’s own self, alone by the surrounded, nagging of the past, almost all alienated from his own whatever it was. These are the various apparatus by which one can simply define or find out the diaspora from the literature.

The baby intention behind it is to construct the literally tendency of Post Modern Age is Age of Diaspora or the Indian Diaspora in particular. When a person is compelled to be an exile out of ethnicity, Diaspora is an ultimate outcome in the form of words, music and  speech in prosaic style and what not. Diaspora is the study of immigrants or expatriates writers in general public due to specific reason and  circumstances it has its own fineness and defects like  the immigrants become multi culture or  belongs to none of the culture he is living in. So with the emergence of post colonialism, multiculturalism and Diaspora were bounded to come into the context. It is called Hybridity (Homi Bhabha) thar marks the writer as Diasporic Identity (Stuart Hall). The very genesis of the diasporic literature and criticism lies in the idea of de colonization of a person, state, region or nation and what the writer is known by his text as de colonized citizen of the modern world that he called she’s imaginary world that is what Rushdie’s text is all about that.

Not only a person is rooted out from his birth place but also from his culture language he speaks and history from where he belongs to. In a nutshell, it raises problem of culture displacement and re- settlement on a new land whether it is of colonized or colonizers.


‘Ism’  often encompasses a ‘process’ from which the people pass and have a specialized influence of it. There is a distinction or polarization between two opposites. To put an argument, it is wretched a by product of casteism. Everyone thinks about what ‘I’ and ‘You’, ’We’ and ‘They’ and the ‘Others’ are. They are the Others is a repeating evil of Racism and needs to mention about a result.

‘Ism’  has always its Anti-ism in one or another way. Minority is a product of racism. Racism is always thoughts in the terms of discrimination, intolerance, narrow-mind ness, bigotry or different twixt begins. So racism, sometime, takes place by nursing, praising, idealizing one’s own race. But on the other hand, it includes struggle of minority class what exactly Rushdie mentions in his two essay namely ‘New Empire within Britain’ and ‘Commenwealth Literature Does Not Exist’ in Imaginary Homelands. In England black or Negroes were victimized of racism. They are always considered as an object in the center of the subject. Where the people, lalanguag,  culture, religions, extra racism takes place. Differences in biological hierarchy engenders to the racial hierarchy.


Casteism is basically associated with the Marxist theory fathered by Karl Marx, an anti-socialist who is still considered a prominent voice in postcolonial Literature. The witching smile of Casteism is literary thematic term in all most all the literatures of the world in one or another way found in languages, style, nature, form, genre, plot, characters, ‘mass, milieu and moment (Wellek, 1993)’, etc it is systematically underground evil, associated with racism that reminds of Marx’s idea of socialization. So, socialization is upgrading and updating in the repeatedly changing world in the terms of birth and duty of a person. The very word ‘caste’ is a imposed clothe on people who live in the society. To define it,
            “Caste (social), rigid social system in which is social hierarchy is maintained generation after generation and allows little mobility out of the position to which a person is born.” (Encarta, 2009)


It is an invisible certificate the rootless person or an immigrant keeps in his pocket, every time reminds him to be exiled and no more of the land where he belonged to. Landlessness is now complete employed term in the Panorama of postcolonial literature it means a belief of a person without land talking about those who have been deprive of their own lands, have to migrate to another place those who have not lens to form and to live in shelter. Landless came into existence either by someone’s hegemony over a specific land or someone forcefully owns a land to colonize the new quarters, starts trading and lives someone is homed while other are homeless. Worldly habitat that minority class considers it is only the highest truth. Salman Rushdie also lives peacefully in England with the harassing minds of others. He was landless. He has to escape from India and resettle in England because of the Fatwa against his novel The Satanic Verses.


Landlessness also associated with rootlessness. those people who are landless are rootless as far as their native home and culture are concerned. It is the sense of non belongingness to their goods and homes the roots, sowed by the best of efforts to become a part of the centre of the society, are now buried and so center cannot be held. Very idea of rootlessness is forcefully descending from the centre or to put minority class in the periphery to displace for the position. To be decentralized is to be uprooted.

The novels of Amitav Ghosh especially The Shadow Lines, Kiran Desai’s Inheritance of Loss, Poems of Meena Kandaswami, a poet of India and Mulkraj Anand’s Untouchable deal with the idea of rootlessness. The very basic this concept is to depict the Indian peoples existence at conflict. It may influence over the nationality of the country. To be felt uprooted or rootless is all about the unsettled, translated, broken into pieces, moved off forcibly, mobilized, stumbled along with line of flight, to be come to a halt, fragmented into parts and what not.


Homesickness is secondary element in the literature of Diaspora or the diasporic studies, in-depth connection of it with birthplace and the reminiscence of it. It is generally found out in the form of either poetry or fiction or pros due to its elaborative quality. Going somewhere like a strange place always make us remind our old and familiar place where we craved to live. Homesickness is in ultimate outcome of familiarization of the known place. Strangeness of the strange makes us homesick. The person wills to come where he came from. He seems de familiarized (Viktor Shklovasky) of the place that is strange and different of what was familiar to him. So Homesickness (tragic condition) and de familiarization modify the readers habitual perception by drawing attention to the artifice of the text Hindi it is what Salman Rushdie’s few of the essays are about.

Homesickness is always most productive form of forceful migration that emphasizes the creative performative of Identity. A misfit to situation, a person memories the past of original place, friends, blossom relatives, family, and environment and so on. He is a homesick who does not spit in the new atmosphere. New environment seems unfamaliarized to him. It may seem bit challenging to say that this book is moving around the idea of homesickness because feeling homesick is also constructing a new image of our Deha (native place) as an imaginary Homelands, homelands in the sense that Torrent of memories come together a build a wall but always find in fragments in pieces. To  write in the words of Rushdie, as he himself writes in his essay Imaginary Homelands, quoting from the novel The Go-between by L. P. Hartley,
“ Past is a foreign country, they do things differently there."


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