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Showing posts from October, 2019

Rang Mohan youth festival- 2019

Rang Mohan Yuva Mahotsav- 2019                           This year, we celebrated the 29th interagency college competition Yuva Mahotsav. Maharaja Krushnakumarsinghji Bhavnagar University has celebrated Rang Mohan youth festival of four days. This entire festival of four days hosted by the Department of Physical Education. Interagency college competition through we are developed our inner ability and many talents are enhanced by this festival. This festival was a youth or yuvak festival so this type of word suggest to the young generation and connect to the youth generation show their skills, abilities and expanded this way.                   This festival beginning on 25th Sep with Kalayatra from Shamaldas Arts College to Law College, Sardarnagar. This time the name of the youth festival is Rang Mohan which is based on Gandhi's 150th birth anniversary.                 The next day is the inauguration ceremony. In this ceremony, there are several guests those who are co

The Nature of Language Teaching

The Nature of Language Teaching Name : Avni J Dave Semester : 03 Roll no : 03 Paper no : 12 ELT-1 Topic : The Nature of Teaching Language Email ID : Submitted to : S. B. Gardi Department of the English, MKBU.  The Nature of Language Teaching  The nature of language            Language is a vast subject and it is beyond the scope of this book to do anything more than to introduce very briefly some of the most important points. The nature of language teaching            In recent years there has been a shift to seeing language teaching as being most effective when it is subordinated to learning. In other words, the teacher’s job is to help learners to learn effectively, or to facilitate learning. For example, and as discussed above, a teacher can make a choice between ‘telling’ learners what the teacher knows, or setting up ways of helping learners see patterns for themselves. Another way in which learning takes precedence over teaching is in t

Various Terms on Postcolonial Study

Various Terms on Postcolonial Study Name : Avni J Dave Semester : 03 Roll no : 03 Paper no : 11 Postcolonial Study Email ID : Submitted to : S.B. Gardi Department of the English, MKBU. Various Terms on Postcolonial Study The age of present is ever in the state of flux where the text is always found in the process of decentring the center (Derrida). something changes into something with more justified and logical counterpart by the previous form of from which it came into being. Each epoch of a specification 8 time is modified with the help of 18 years is it most from one step to another with most dominating happy moment prominent resisting voice is what he will face too its next one. This is repeating phenomenon of the post-colonial that is crazy suites previous page namely  colonialism in age of policy in sectors of acquiring political control over and other country of keeping it was settlers and exploiting in economically. The literature of the Po

Psychoanalytic Study on Poe’s Short stories

Psychoanalytic Study on Poe’s Short stories Name : Avni J Dave Semester : 03 Roll no : 03 Paper no : 10 American Literature Topic : Psychoanalytic Study on Poe’s Short stories Email ID : Submitted to : Smt S. B. Gardi Department of the English, MKBU Psychoanalytic Study on Poe’s Short stories  Here is a psychoanalytic interpretation of short stories by Edgar Allan Poe. Freudian concepts have been applied to the characters’ dialogue and deeds, language and body language to examine their personality. Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is considered a father figure for the genre of short story as he was one the earliest writers of short fiction. Despite being a poet, editor and literary critic, his prime contributions has been to the formation of short story in America. Generations after generations of writers in the world have been inspired and influenced by his theory of short story and by his stories as well. His most recurring themes deal with que

Short Notes on Modernist poetry Terms

Short Notes on Modernist Poetry Terms Name : Avni J Dave Semester : 03 Roll no : 03 Paper no : The Modernist Literature Topic : Short Notes on Modernist poetry Terms Email ID : Submitted to : S. B. Gardi Department of the English, MKBU. Modernist Poetry Modernist poetry refers to poetry written, mainly in Europe and North America, between 1890 and 1950 in the tradition of modernist literature, but the dates of the term depend upon a number of factors, including the nation of origin, the particular school in question, and the biases of the critic setting the dates. The critic/poet C. H. Sisson observed in his essay Poetry and Sincerity that "Modernity has been going on for a long time. Not within living memory has there ever been a day when young writers were not coming up, in a threat of iconolasm." Background It is usually said to have begun with the French Symbolist movement and it artificially ends with the Second World War, the be