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Showing posts from January, 2020

Literature Review (What is Literature? and How literature Shaped me?

Literature Review: What is Literature? & How Literature Shaped Me? What is Literature? From my BA, I know about literature, but in BA I deeply never know about literature. We just know literature is it and that is. But how to connect with human and reflect us, now I understand. Literature is like something is taught us and inspire us. In school time we listen to any simple story it is also part of our literature. Literature, like any art form, engages the reader in a complex set of emotional, symbolic, moral, intellectual and social considerations. It uses the normal means of communication- language, images, symbols, statutes, stories. Literature as a part of our growth and development. It gives us an insight into the deep meaning of literature, the interrelation between humanism and literature. Then now, I completed an MA after just one month, I'm able to define what is Literature. Literature is the life of the journey. In journey thoughts, happiness, pain, a

Expert Lecture on ELT 2 by Prof. Atanu Bhattacharya

English Language Teaching 2 by Prof. Atanu Bhattacharya English is a widely spoken language today. It has often been referred to as ‘global language’, the lingua franca of the modern era and currently the language most often taught as a second language around the world. English in India is used not only for communicating with the outside world but also for inter-state and intrastate communication. Because of the great ethnic and linguistic diversity found within our nation, English acts as an indispensable ‘link’ language. 1. ELT - Historical Perspective Any kind subject history is the beginning of aspect. In literature, history is necessary for very closely related to the subject. Also, the subject is deeply rooted in history. So history is basic information about the topic. First World War 1880 World  War 1st to 1940 World war 2nd until 1970  the seventies and early eighties As above during that period, in the English language teaching change and creation the methods

BA:SY: Short story: The Sage of Tarungiri & Seven Old Seekers

THE SAGE OF TARUNGIRI & SEVEN OLD SEEKERS BY MANOJ DAS Critically evaluate the theme of the story "The Sage of Tarungiri and Seven Old Seekers" OR SHORT NOTE: Myticism found in the story          The Sage of Tarungiri and Seven Old Seekers is a story about a mysterious sage and seven selfish men who seek his blessings to overcome the worries and anxieties of their life. The old bearded Sage, Tukan Baba weeps all the while and lives in his lonely cave. He comes out of this cave only in full moon nights. His Disciple, Meghananda has the mytic faith that whoever touches the feet of this spiritually enlightened sage in that blessed moonlit night and seeks his blessings is rewarded splendidly and all his desires are fulfilled. The seven old men are convinced that there are more things in heaven and earth that are dreamt of in their philosophy. So, they make all fictitious preparations to collect blessings from Tukan Baba. But when Baba comes out smiling instead of we

BA: the play Ghashiram Kotwal by Vijay Tendulkar

The Marathi play Ghashiram Kotwal by Vijay Tendulkar Describe the play 'Gashiram Kotwal' as a play of political reflection of the time. What evils of politics does the play reflect? Discuss. Discuss political issues and their evils.         The playwright Tendulkar is aware of the present political scenario. He intends to expose the evils of politics. This is a field where power, sex and religion are deeply connected. All three combined together makes the situation, people horrible directly or indirectly all people are influenced.  Ghasiram Kotwal is also a play dominated by these issues. ♣ GHASHIRAM ON DEPUTATION Ghashiram comes to Pune for his livelihood. He is a Brahmin from Kannauj, he begins to work with Gulabi a prostitute. Nana visits her once. Nana's ankle is hurt. It is seen by Ghashiram. He supports Nana's foot. He leads his back for the support for this small action Nana is pleased very much. He is able to catch the attention of a great leade

BA:FY Poem: The Eagle by Alfred Lord Tennyson

The Eagle - Alfred Lord Tennyson ★ Background:-         The Eagle is a poem written by the Englishman Alfred Lord Tennyson. Tennyson lived during the Victorian Era during the 1800s. In this era, a movement called Romanticism became extremely popular within the literary society. It was the reaction to the previous Age of Reason among the culture. Romanticism focused on freedom instead of formalism, individualism instead of conformity, and imagination instead of reality.           Romantic poets believed that nature was beautiful, and humans are the centre of nature. They believed human should get in touch with their inner soul by appreciating the beauty of nature. Tennyson's The Eagle clearly shows an emphasis on appreciating nature. ★ Summarize the poem:-           The poem has a very simple concept. It focuses on one eagle, alone in the world in the wild. In the first line, the eagle is atop a mountain, poised to strike. He is high up where no other animal or hum

The Dâ Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Thinking Activity on Dan Brown's The Dâ Vinci Code About Author: Dân Brown Daniel Gerhard Brown (born June 22, 1964) is an American author best known for his thriller novels, including the Robert Langdon novels Angels & Demons (2000), The Da Vinci Code (2003), The Lost Symbol (2009), Inferno (2013) and Origin (2017). His novels are treasure hunts that usually take place over a period of 24 hours. They feature recurring themes of cryptography, art, and conspiracy theories. His books have been translated into 57 languages and, as of 2012, have sold over 200 million copies. Three of them, Angels & Demons, The Da Vinci Code, and Inferno, have been adapted into films. The Robert Langdon novels are deeply engaged with Christian themes and historical fact and have generated controversy as a result. Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, though he is on a "constant spiritual journey" himself. He claims that his book The Da Vinci Code

Waiting for the Barbarians by J. M. Coetzee

Waiting for the Barbarians by James Maxwell Coetzee About Author:- J. M. Coetzee Born : 9 Feb 1940 (age 79)              Capetown, South Africa Occupation: Novelist, essayist, literary critic, linguistic, translator, professor Language: English, Afrikaans, Dutch Notable Awards: 1983- Booker Prize, 1985- Prix Femina, 1995- The Irish Times (International Fiction Prize), 2003- Nobel Prize in Literature Major Works:  Dusklands (1974), In the Heart of the Country (1977), Waiting for the Barbarians (1980), Life and Times of Michael K. (1983), A Land Apart: A South African Reader (1986), Foe (1987), The Lives of Animals (1999). About Novel:- Waiting for the Barbarians  Waiting for the Barbarians is a novel by the South African-born writer J. M. Coetzee. First published in 1980, it was chosen by Penguin for its series Great Books of the 20th Century. Won both the 'James Tait Black Memorial Prize' and 'Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize' for fiction. L

Arvind Adiga's The White Tiger & Movie Slumdog Millionaire

The White Tiger by Arvind Adiga Arvind Adiga's debut novel The White Tiger marks the arrival of a storyteller who strikes a fine balance between sociology and humanism of his homeland. He tries to make heard the many unheard voices of so many alternative Indians, which exist and are being acknowledged globally through movies, fiction, and media. The multitiered realities, presented by this young journalist turned writer, who is trying to pull down the patronizing edifice, was applauded with the 2008 Man Booker Prize. How far do you agree with India represented in the novel The White Tiger? Arvind Adiga won the Man Booker prize for Fiction 2008 for his novel The White Tiger and emerged significantly on the Indian literary scene. Though The White Tiger was praised for highlighting the injustices and poverty present in the rapidly changing India when it won the Man Booker Prize, then many Indians critics expressed outrage at the judges' decision. They felt that the nov

BA:SY - Poem: From the Amoretti by Edmund Spenser

FROM THE AMORETTI BY EDMUND SPENSER Explanation of the poem line by line.        Spenser is playing with the term of disturbance created by nature in his activities of lovemaking and memorizing his beloved one. Spenser blames sea waves for wiping out the name of his beloved one. One day I wrote her name upon the strand, But came the waves and washed it away:          He mentioned here about the name written on the seashore, thereafter how the waves came and washed it away. He got sad about the act being performed by waves. Here he shows his eagerness to memorize his girlfriend, which could not be done because of waves. Again I wrote it with a second hand, But came the tide, and made my pains his prey.          He also tried it with another hand as he felt that it must be a mistake of his hands so, the name has been wiped out. He writes her name again with another hand but a result remains the same as earlier. There is another wave come again is a tide and wiped it ou

Journalism: Lead and Feature writing

Journalism: Lead Writing and Feature Writing What is Journalism:- Journalism is the activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information. It is also the product of these activities. Journalism can be distinguished from other activities and products by certain identifiable characteristics and practices. These elements not only separate journalism from other forms of communication, but they are also what make it important to representative societies. History reveals that the more democratic a society, the more news and information it tends to have. Journalism, the collection, preparation, and distribution of news and related commentary and feature materials through such print and electronic media as newspapers, magazines, books, blogs, webcasts, podcasts, social networking and social media sites, and e-mail as well as through radio, motion pictures, and television. The word journalism was originally applied to the reportage of current events in pri

Group Task on The White Tiger by Arvind Adiga

We have a Group Task on The White Tiger by Arvind Adiga Group 2: The White Tiger Bhavnesh, Hina, Avni, Monika, Nikita, Nirali, Jetal The White Tiger from AvniDave1 Learning Outcome:- Throughout this text what is learning outcome and how literature shaped me? For my viewpoint or learning outcome in this text is.... We listen and our belief is that our good karmas are depending on our success, But every time goodness is not doing anything, sometimes we do bad things for ourself, it is a harsh reality of life. Furthermore, by born we are poor and suffered a lot then becoming rich it is human nature, and rich people are doing more corruption in society, so as Balram has whatever done it is good for all common people. Every human being dreams to live a good, comfortable and prosperous life but all have to accept whatever their destiny decides for them. Till a person is poor, he thinks that the rich Must Think about the benefits of the poor but once a poor being be