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Survey: DELL Software

Language Lab Review & Survey: DELL Software

Language Learning Lab:

English language lab software is a very effective tool in teaching the English language to students. This software enhances the skills of a student. The teaching in Language lab software is based on four skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing. Modern language labs are known by many names, digital language lab, multimedia language lab, language media centre and multimedia learning centre to name but a few.

(Task: Go through the language lab software in the lab) These are general points uses by the language lab:-

∆  Text, images, audio and video can easily be integrated; teachers can alter materials to fit their requirements.

∆  Learners can record their own voice and play back the recordings, interact with each other and the teacher, and store results.

∆  Teachers can negotiate and control the learners’ computers via the teacher’s console, track of learners’ work, etc.

∆  Self-access for independent learning which includes access to resources outside class.

     The purpose of a language lab is to involve students to actively participate in language learning exercises and get more practise than otherwise possible in a traditional classroom environment.

Advantages of the language learning lab:

~ Self-learning (no need for a teacher)
~ creating a group and do the group task or work or assignment
~ language lab is practical work
~ In a way is communicative ( teachers and learners both are interactive)
~ practice for good pronunciation
~ Self-evaluation

Disadvantages of the language learning lab:

~ Technologies replaces the role of the teacher (big fear in the education world for teacher)
~ Not every college can afford language lab or computers
~ Deal with technological issues and electricity
~ Inability to handle unexpectedly problem

★ Language lab in mobile as an app: Namo e-Tab

There are steps of Namo e-Tab in phone

       Download this app and open it.











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