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Hamlet movie - post viewing task

 Kenneth branagh's movie based on Shakespeare's hamlet

◆    How faithful is the movie to the original play?

             There are many things are faithful to the play which was originally written by Shakespear. All the dialogues which are spoken by the characters. so all characters are faithful to the play. The clothing and setting are not faithful to the original play  because in Elizabethan time there were no place and clothes are found which we can see the movie.

◆    After watching the movie, have your perception about play, characters or situations changed?

           In the movie Ophelia is marginalized character. She is not given much space in the original play. When in the movie Ophelia get chance to present her more Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are presently intelligent in original play but in the movie they are shown as foolish men.

◆    Do you feel ‘aesthetic delight’ while watching the movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?

           In the movie I found the aesthetic delight, when he read a book and Polonius asked him that "what are you reading?" And he gives answer that "words words words...."
            The second scene in which I feel aesthetic delight is when he behave like mad person, his uncle and other courtiers when he remembered happy moments of his childhood with the jester of his court.

◆    Do you feel ‘catharsis’ while or after watching movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?

          I feel catharsis when Hamlet talks rudely with his mother .
          The second scene is when Ophelia is cry on the death of her father and she became mad. And also Hamlet's misbehaviour with Ophelia and Ophelia's unknown death.

◆     Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play? 

              Yaa obviously because visible things are long lasting memory. When I read the play I don't know about the characters and their acting, movie through we can understand the how ghost is visible and also sword fighting is very interesting. I understand the movie better than reading and also very helpful.

◆   Was there any particular scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish lifetime?

          I remember the scene when Hamlet and his friend Horatio ready tidur with Hamlet because Horatio cannot live without Hamlet. But Hamlet told him to live and tell my story to everyone. This scene shows the deep friendship of Hamlet and Horatio.

◆     If you are director, what changes would you like to make in the remaking of movie on Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’?

           As a director I have many changes like as an end of the play prince Hamlet became a king of Denmark with his love Ophelia. 
           I would like to give chance to Rosencrantz and Guildensterns to present them self and I cannot give death to them because they are innocence 

◆    In the beginning of the movie, camera rolls over the statue of King Hamlet out side the Elsinore castle. The movie ends with the similar sequence wherein the statue of the King Hamlet is hammered down to the dust. What sort of symbolism do you read in this? 

         In the begining of the play the statue was stand in the front of the gate. It was king Hamlet's statue .The play begins with the death of king Hamlet and prince Hamlet's revenge of his father's death. At end statue was broken which saw that now the play ends and all are dies.
         The broken statue represents the tragic fall of all family. In first scene statue shows the dignity and power of the king and in the end it become powerless and reason of tragic fall. It also symbol of the victory of fortinbras.

  ◆    While studying the play through movie, which approach do you find more applicable to the play? Why? Give reasons with illustrations.
                 While studying the play there are many approaches are applicable but most two approches are very powerful. First is Psychological approach we can see that Hamlet don't want to became the king of Denmark. But he saw the ghost of his father and decides to take revenge of his father's murder and Hamlet delay to take revenge of his father and he is also suffered from Oedipus complex. Hamlet felt hatred for his mother's marriage with his uncle. Then Hamlet became a made from all circumstances.
                 And also feminist approach is more applicable because in the play women are marginalized. Hamlet love Ophelia but he was not trust on her and he misbehave with her.

 ◆     Which of the above mentioned approaches (in Pre-viewing task) appeals you more than other?Why? Give reasons.  
                   Before showing Hamlet movie I was not very clear about all approaches but I also don't know about many approches are find that and apply it. But when I show the movie, it's all are clear. And more appealing the feminist approach the act of misbehavior of Hamlet with both Ophelia and his mother Gertrude.


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