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Showing posts from August, 2019

Interpretation of Breath by Samuel Beckett

                      Breath by Samuel Becket                                          Interpretation of short play of Breath by Samuel Beckett. He was an Irish novelist, playwright, poet, short story writer, literary translator and theatre director. He wrote in English and French languages. He is one of the last modernist writers and one of the key figures in what Martin Esslin called the ' Theatre of Absurd. Absurd :- Philosophy meaningless: lacking any meaning that would give purpose to life. Here we are watching short videos of breath. In these play words and languages are not used by the writer. Some clues and symbols are uses like voices of babies, mobile, books, watch, sunrise and set. Background sounds are also an atrocity and dreadful. Only 30-second play how it is probable? We are showing that and we felt like they are nothingness, meaninglessness and no purpose but we minutely observed the things and gadgets so clues are a must in available in those videos.

Movie review - The Great Dictator & The Modern Time

Movie Review                   The Great Dictator - 1940                  The great dictator directed by Charlie Chaplin after dedicated service in the great war, a Jewish barber (Charlie Chaplin) spends years in army hospital recovering from his wounds and unaware of  the simultaneously rise of fascist dictator Adenoid Hynkle, he is also Chaplin and his anti Semitic policies. When the barbers who is resembles to Hynkle, returns to his quiet neighborhood. He is stunned by the brutal  changes and recklessly joins a beautiful girl ( Paulette Goddard) and her neighbours in rebelling. In acting part, Chaplin plays two very different characters, both distinct performances. I mean he is great well rounded artist. He fought for his independence in his craft, so we really see the artist control over this project. With i love and it is very interesting thar with the development of technolog, growing audiences, the explosion of intense marketing how production of marketing how producti

The old man and the sea

        The old man and the sea- Earnest Hemingway                   1. Can you mark a critical phase of your life? =) No, I have not any phase of in my life that is specified in a critical situation. 2.  Do you have any such person whom you recall in the crisis? =) Yaa, in this situation I always recall my parents and then god. 3.      What is the importance of that person? Why? =)  For me, my parents are always a solution because they have a good decision and helpful for me out of this problem.                   4.      What is the importance of dream of lions in the novel? =)  Dream of lions in the novel is the symbol of inspiration. This particular scene helps the old man to be in positive in his life. 5.      Do you have any such scene or image you frequently like to visit? =)  Yes, I like to visit the lion in front of me 6.      What is the reason for your obsession for that scene? =)  In the animal world lion is my one of the favourite animal.