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Showing posts from March, 2019

Deconstruction and Derrida

Jacques Derrida and Deconstruction Jacques Derrida was an Algerian-born French philosopher best known for developing a form of semiotic analysis known as deconstruction, which he discussed in numerous texts, and developed in the context of phenomenology. He is one of the major figures associated with post-structuralism and postmodern philosophy. What do you understand by 'Deconstruction'? =) First of all Deconstruction is really a bit difficult to understand, and one reason is that Derrida does not define the Deconstruction. First of all he asks that question that is it possible to define anything once and for all?  Or at what extent can we define something? So he denies to define  deconstruction. Derrida’s position is more  philosophical than real. He proves theoretically, not practically. First of all Deconstruction is not a destructive activity, but it is an inquiry into the foundations of every thing. Deconstructionist critics goes deep into the foundation of tex

Structuralism and literary criticism

Structuralism and litery criticism : Gerard Genette Being a structuralist critic, how would you analyse literary text or TV serial or Film? You can select any image or TV serial or film or literary text or advertisement. Apply structuralist method and post your write up on your blog. Give link of that blog-post in the comment section under this blog. =)  In literary theory, Structuralism is an approach to analyzing the narrative material by examining the underlying invariant structure .There are many Structuralist critics like Ferdinand Saussure, Gerard Genette, Roland Barthes, Claude Levi-Strauss etc. Structuralist critics found basic common structure in every work. As all the human beings  have a same structure from inside, similarly literature has basic structure and it is same everywhere whether it movies, TV serials or advertisement etc. In my opinion various structures could be find behind particular genres of literature and movies such as love story, revenge stor

Pre-task on Frankenstein

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley 1. When did you have a dream?? =)  Ys, I have seen many dreams and in those dream like happy, sad, dangerous, etc. Dream is happened in unconscious mind. Night is symbol of dark and horror effect. 2. What did you seen in your dream? =) I have seen in my dream, when I sleeped suddenly I feel that my blanket was pushed out and horror was comes here and I ran out. 3. Based on your dream if you are asked to create something, what type of creation would be there ? =) If I asked to create something in my dream if horror was hurt me then I brings out knief and gun, then face and fight to horror👻👻. 4. The creation will be ugly or beautiful? =) The creation of ghost is obviously disappeared. But creation is always ugly therefore it is to be dangerous. 5. If ugly, why and beautiful, why ? =) It is ugly because ghost is always looking like dangerous and horror and it is happen in always in night and dark atmosphere. So it is ugly. 6. What a

Northrop Frye: Archetype Literature and Myth or religion

The Archetypes of Literature (1951): Northrop Frye Herman Northrop Frye (July 14, 1912 – January 23, 1991) was a Canadian literary critic and literary theorist, considered one of the most influential of the 20th century. Frye gained international fame with his first book, Fearful Symmetry (1947), which led to the reinterpretation of the poetry of William Blake. His lasting reputation rests principally on the theory of literary criticism that he developed in Anatomy of Criticism (1957), one of the most important works of literary theory published in the twentieth century.  1.  What is Archetypal Criticism? What does the archetypal critic do? =)  In literary criticism, the term archetype denotes recurrent narratives designs, patterns of action, character-types, themes, and images which are identifiable in a wide variety of works of literature, as well as in myths, dreams, and even social rituals. Such recurrent items are held to be the result of elemental and universal forms

T.S.Eliot's essay Tradition and Individual Talent

T.S.ELIOT : TRADITION AND INDIVIDUAL TALENT       1. How would you like to explain Eliot's concept of Tradition? Do you agree with it ? =) Yes, I am agree with the Eliot's concept of tradition. Tradition does not means that the close adherence to the literary tradition of the past. The tradition means the past and the literary tradition means the work of writer and their writing style. The every writer contributes his talent in the tradition. It is the tradition with which we compare our present writer and find newness in present work. 2.  What do you understand by Historical Sense? (Use these quotes to explain your understanding) "The historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but of its presence" This historical sense, which is a sense of the timeless as well as of the temporal and of the timeless and of the temporal together, is what makes a writer traditional .  =) The historical sense involves a perception