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Showing posts from August, 2018

Metaphysical poetry

Metaphysical poetry Definition : There are many definitions of metaphysical poetry. "Metaphysical" when applied to poetry usually love, science, geology, romance, sensuality and man's relationship with god. Metaphysical is derivative of a Latin word metaphysica, which is a combination of two words : Meta and physica. The word meta means "beyond" or "after." It is a prefix and equally used in English. It refers to things or concepts, which are abstract. Literally physica means "work", but in this case, it is considered as something, which is having a concrete shape. So, the term metaphysical may be defined as "Beyond physical work."  Characteristics : 1. Metaphysical poetry is complex and difficult. Most varied concepts are yoked together. It is difficult for the ordinary reader to understand this kind of poetry. 2.Metaphysical poetry is intellectual in none. The

Dr. Faustus

1) The play directed by Matthew Dunster for Globe theater ends with this scene (see the image of Lucifer). What does it signify? I believe that God's presence is the evidence of the absence of evil because it is said that God would never allow bad things to happen in His presence. So, where there is God, evil can not do any bad thing. We can say that if one chooses the wrong way even after noticing the right way , he has to pay for this. 2) Is God present in the play? If yes, where and how? If No, why? According to me, There is no ‘GOD’ in the play because, ‘where Devill holds the place, no place remain for ‘God”. But although we can say that good angel and old man were there to bring him back to his true way. So, many of considered them as God. Although, we cannot consider them as God. So, there was no God at all. 3) What reading and interpretation can be given to this image (see the image of Daedalus and Icarus) with reference to